Seniors, shine for the Saviour!

Seniors, shine for the Saviour!

Praise God that in Him, life as a senior is full of new experiences and never a dull existence. It can be a time filled with confidence, praise and hope even despite the inevitable difficulties and challenges we face as we age. Our strength and vigour come from Him...
From the Librarian’s Shelf: Five books to read on Worship

From the Librarian’s Shelf: Five books to read on Worship

KKMC held our annual Hymn Festival on 28 August 2022, and the church came together to worship God through music. As Christians, worshipping God is one way for us to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”...
MCS Response to the Repeal of S377A of the Penal Code

MCS Response to the Repeal of S377A of the Penal Code

The Methodist Church in Singapore released a statement referencing the recent announcement on the Repeal of S377A of the Penal Code. For more resources on this matter, please go to these two links: A Christian response to the repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code...
When Your Parents Are Missionaries

When Your Parents Are Missionaries

Juliet Yong, a Young Adult from KKMC shares what it is like to be a child of missionary parents, from mission work and sharing the gospel to the expectations others have of her. Both her parents, Jodi and Chee Yee, are full-time missionaries with Cru Singapore (Cru),...