When Your Parents Are Missionaries

When Your Parents Are Missionaries

Juliet Yong, a Young Adult from KKMC shares what it is like to be a child of missionary parents, from mission work and sharing the gospel to the expectations others have of her. Both her parents, Jodi and Chee Yee, are full-time missionaries with Cru Singapore (Cru),...
When Life is a Journey with God and His Great Mission

When Life is a Journey with God and His Great Mission

In this 4-minute video, Ann and Mae share about their response to Jesus’ call to serve in Japan, although it would mean a challenging and difficult journey ahead. The spark We attended KKMC’s Missions 101 and 102 seminars in 2018 and this sparked a strong yearning in...
Stepping into a new season

Stepping into a new season

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.Ecclesiastes 3:1 God is with us in every season of our lives. Each season is a chance to learn and grow as we keep in step with the Holy Spirit, according to God’s timing. For over 35 years, I...
When God calls, God restores and uplifts

When God calls, God restores and uplifts

Hope and Joy share from Oaksia, a country in Asia, celebrating God’s goodness through a brother-in-Christ. (Editor: Hope, Joy, and Oaksia are pseudonymns for the two missionaries and the country that they serve in.) Hope and Joy arrived deep in the night. Way past...


郭献进分享他未认识上帝之前因吸毒而过犯罪的生活,他蒙恩的救赎之路,回应神的呼召,在中国宣教以福音戒毒服侍的领域。 一个陷入困境的青年在监狱里的经历 十六岁那年,因为好奇心,我开始吸食海洛因。此后,我的生命就被毒品捆绑,不能自拔。为了满足毒瘾,我做了许多犯法之事,后来被捕入狱,前后在铁窗生涯里虚度了七年多的时间。好多次我都发誓出狱后决心不再吸毒,但屡次都失败。由于无法摆脱毒瘾的束缚,我陷入了绝望,曾想过自杀。 被上帝的爱从毒品生活中解脱出来...
Saving Addicts Through the Power of the Gospel

Saving Addicts Through the Power of the Gospel

Kelvin Quak shares about his life of drugs and crime before finding God, his road to redemption, answering God’s call to missionary work, and serving in the Gospel-centred drug rehabilitation ministry in the mission field of China. A Troubled Youth and a Stint in...