Our Anniversary Thanksgiving service starts at 9.30am, followed by a lunch celebration together at 12pm. We encourage you to wear our KKMC t-shirt! ⚠️ Please take note that there will be no 8am English Service, 12pm Praise! Service and 2pm Mandarin Service on 19...
Our Anniversary Thanksgiving service starts at 9.30am, followed by a lunch celebration together at 12pm. 131st Anniversary Lunch | KKMC 131周年午餐 Date: Sunday, 19 January 2025 日期: 2025年1月19日(星期日)Time: 12pm to 3pm 时间: 中午12点至下午3点Venue: Kampong Kapor Methodist Church...
On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Jesus and his disciples sat down in an upper room for the Passover. There, he ate his last meal with his disciples before his betrayal and death on the cross. We remember this meal as our Lord’s Supper. Come...
Baptism date The Sacrament of Baptism for Infants and Children will be held on Easter Sunday, 20 April 2025. Compulsory parents briefing Kindly note that there will be a compulsory briefing for parents on Sunday, 6 April 2025, 11.45am (After the 10am Worship Service)....
The institution of marriage is so important that it is recorded in the second chapter of the first book in the Bible. Through reading Biblical passages and lively class discussions, we will discover one of the main purposes of marriage that will help us build a strong...