Sermon Reflection & Discussion Questions
These questions are for us to think about what the Bible passage is saying, understand its meaning, and consider how we can apply it in our lives. It is also for LifeGroup members to share within their LifeGroups and journey with one another.
9 June 2024 – Sermon Discussion Questions
Questions For Personal Reflection or Group Discussion What do you think Jesus meant when he said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me" (Matt 16:24 NIV)?2 Tim 3:16 NIV says “All Scripture is God-breathed and is...
Nehemiah 13 – Devotional
When the people heard the reading of the Law, after the building of the wall of Jerusalem was completed, they willingly agreed to a covenant (or, an agreement) “to observe and do all the commandments of the Lord our Lord and his rules and his statues.” Specifically...
19 May 2024 – Sermon Discussion Questions
Questions (Discussion questions from Joshua 24: 15 and Matthew 12: 48 - 50) For Personal Reflection or Group Discussion What is your role as a father or mother in your family? Share ways you and your family can serve God together? What kind of family do you plan to...
Nehemiah 12 – Devotional
After completing the building of the wall, despite many challenges within and opposition from without, Nehemiah and the people were ready for a day of dedication and celebration. After decades of neglect, the rebuilding of the wall was completed in only 52 days! They...
Nehemiah 11 – Devotional
The temple at Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians. When the Persians became the new rulers, they allowed the Jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. The rebuilding was completed some 50 years before Nehemiah went to Jerusalem to repair the city wall. The wall...
Nehemiah 10 – Devotional
When the people heard and understood the teachings of the Law of Moses, they also realized they were not observing it in their lives. In response, they developed a written covenant (or, an agreement) which stipulated specifically how they would follow the Law of...
Nehemiah 9 – Devotional
As the people gathered to listen to the reading of the Law, they also made time to worship their God. In their worship, they began with affirming the greatness of God: “You are the Lord, you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the...
Nehemiah 8 – Devotional
The people gathered together to listen to the reading of scriptures by Ezra the priest. However, not everyone could understand or appreciate what they heard. Thirteen Levites “helped the people to understand the Law… they gave the sense, so that the people understood...
Nehemiah 7 – Devotional
After the physical infrastructure of the wall was up and the security arrangements in place to guard the city, Nehemiah turns to the purpose of the work done—the well-being of the people of Jerusalem. He begins with recognizing the earliest groups of exiles who had...
Nehemiah 6 – Devotional
Those who opposed the building of the wall tried various tactics to stop the work. They tried to discourage Nehemiah by insulting and ridiculing his idea of building the wall. They questioned his motives by implying that there were rebellious intentions for building...
Nehemiah 5 – Devotional
When the king allowed Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem, he also appointed Nehemiah as governor of the area (Judah). In the twelve years that Nehemiah functioned as governor, he did not follow the practice of governors before him in levying a tax on the people for the cost...
Nehemiah 3 – Devotional
Various people helped in repairing the wall of Jerusalem. Some may have been familiar with construction work but others such as the goldsmith, the perfumer and the high priest were not. Some repaired the areas near their homes, others who were not living within the...