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Lenten & Easter Pastoral Letter
Read the letter in Mandarin | Read the letter in Tamil
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?
– Mark 8 : 34 – 36
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
In line with our church’s theme for this year, “Build Up, Together!”, the seasons of Lent and Easter remind us to together, build up on Christ our cornerstone (Ephesians 2 : 19 – 22).
Lent and Easter in the Christian calendar is a time in the year when we especially remember the death and resurrection of Jesus and his call to us and all in the world to trust and follow him. We remember the extent of God’s great love and grace toward us for which he sent his Son, Jesus the Christ, to be the atonement for our sins. But Jesus’ death and resurrection saves us from our sins not only in atoning for our sins, but also in revealing and empowering us to the way of life that is truly freed from sin. It is the way of absolute faith in God, of unwavering obedience to God, and of perfect love for God. It calls us to die to ourselves that we may live as true selves made in the image of God loved by God. The season of Lent is a season of fasting and prayer – a way of life, following Jesus in denying ourselves for the sake of God and taking up our crosses to walk in his way of sacrificial love for others. Fasting and prayer are means of grace that God has given to us to build us up spiritually in his likeness.
Lenten Fast & Pray
This Lent (5 March to 17 April 2025), let us fast and pray together as a church. In this season, let us fast from food, or a non-essential that we regularly spend our time and money.
And let’s spend the time that would have been used for that meal, or making the purchase, to pray. As a church, let us gather to pray together at these times.
Wednesday Church Prayer Time, 8pm to 9.30pm
We encourage you to come earlier for a time of personal reflection starting from 7.30pm onwards.
When & Where | Language |
5 March (Ash Wednesday), KKMC Sanctuary, L1 | English |
2 April, KKMC Sanctuary, L1 | English |
Wednesdays & Fridays Online Lunchtime Fast & Pray, 12.15pm to 1pm
When & Where | Language |
Wednesdays, 12, 19, 26 March, 9 & 16 April, on Zoom | English |
Fridays, 7, 14, 21, 28 March, 4 & 11 April, on Zoom | English (with Mandarin text) |
The Online Lunchtime Fast & Pray will be held on Zoom, please click the button or link to join the Zoom Meeting Room: https://bit.ly/lunchfp
And with the money saved from the meal or item fasted from, let us give together towards our church’s work of missions. You may give through your preferred way of giving, and indicate on the envelope (if giving in cash) or in the Reference field (if giving by electronic transfer), “Lent 2025”. All such proceeds collected from now till 30 April 2025 will be directed to our missions work including, but not limited to, financial support for our missionaries (presently 24 of them serving in seven different countries in Asia), and sponsorship of theological students preparing themselves for specialised ministries for the church universal. Such costs amount to about $700,000 a year, and the additional proceeds from your giving over Lent 2025 will help to supplement its funding.
Holy Week
In the last week of Lent leading to Easter, also called Holy Week, let us also gather to worship and follow our Lord together in these worship services and events, culminating in the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday.
13 April Palm Sunday
When & Where | Details |
8am, KKMC Sanctuary, L1 | Palm Sunday Service Topic: The Lord Needs It? (Luke 19 : 28 – 40) Speaker: Rev Anthony Phua |
10am, KKMC Sanctuary, L1, and livestream | See above. |
12pm, The Unfailing Light (49 Cuff Road) | See above. |
2pm, KKMC Sanctuary, L1, and livestream 星期天, 下午2点, 教会圣殿和线上 | 华语棕枝主日 Mandarin Ministry Palm Sunday Service |
5.30pm, KKMC Sanctuary, L1, and livestream | Tamil Ministry Palm Sunday Service |
14 to 16 April One MCS Holy Week Services
One MCS Holy Week Services will be held at Kum Yan Methodist Church, 1 Queen Street, Singapore 188534.
Onsite only, in English with Mandarin translation. Registration not required and all are welcome. More info at https://www.methodist.org.sg/mcs-140/
When & Where | Details |
8pm, Kum Yan Methodist Church | Monday, 14 April Topic: The Faithful and Wise Servant (Matthew 24 : 45 – 51) by CAC |
8pm, Kum Yan Methodist Church | Tuesday, 15 April Topic: The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25 : 1 – 13) by ETAC |
8pm, Kum Yan Methodist Church | Wednesday, 16 April Topic: The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25 : 14 – 30) by TRAC |
17 April Maundy Thursday
When & Where | Details |
8pm, KKMC Sanctuary, L1, and livestream | Maundy Thursday Service Topic: Non-Negotiable (John 13 : 1 – 35) Speaker: Rev Poh Zhi-Hui |
18 April Good Friday
When & Where | Details |
10am, KKMC Sanctuary, L1, and livestream | Good Friday Service Topic: It is Finished (John 19 : 28 – 30) Speaker: Rev Anthony Phua |
10am, KKMC Chapel, L3 | Children’s Good Friday Service Topic: You Are Precious Speaker: Percy Low |
10am, The Unfailing Light (49 Cuff Road) 星期五, 早上10点, 永旭楼 | 华语耶稣受难日 Mandarin Ministry Good Friday Service |
5.30pm, KKMC Chapel, L3 | Tamil Ministry Good Friday Service Topic: Meditations on the 7 Words of Christ on the Cross |
19 April Holy Saturday
When & Where | Details |
10am, KKMC Sanctuary, L1 | Combined Enrolment Service for The 2nd & 60th Coys Boys’ Brigade and The 45th Coy Girls’ Brigade |
3pm, KKMC | Youth Holy Saturday Programme |
20 April Easter Sunday
When & Where | Details |
6.45am, KKMC Carpark (Outside Sanctuary) | Easter Sunrise Service Topic: Seeing Amidst Weeping (John 20 : 1 – 18) Speaker: Rev Poh Zhi-Hui |
10am, KKMC Sanctuary, L1, and livestream | Easter Sunday Service Topic: Too Good to be True? (Isaiah 65 : 17 – 25; Luke 24 : 1 – 12) Speaker: Rev Poh Zhi-Hui |
2pm, KKMC Sanctuary, L1, and livestream 星期天, 下午2点, 教会圣殿和线上 | 华语复活节主日 Mandarin Ministry Easter Sunday Service |
5.30pm, KKMC Sanctuary, L1, and livestream | Tamil Ministry Easter Sunday Service |
For more information on our Services, please contact the Church Office (tel: 6293 7997).
As we follow our Lord Jesus to the cross, may God strengthen us with power through his Spirit in our inner being, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith—that we, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that we may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3 : 16 – 21)
Building Up, Together in Christ,
Rev Poh Zhi-Hui
Rev Anthony Phua