An important part of the life of The Boys’ Brigade Companies and the Girls’ Brigade Companies and the sponsoring church is the Annual Service of Dedication of Officers, Teachers, Primers, Sparks and members and the Enrolment of New Members. We will be having a combined Dedication and Enrolment service on Saturday, 30 March 2024, 10am, for our 2nd BB company (Victoria School), 60th BB company (Raffles Institution), and 45th GB company (Raffles Girls’ School). You are invited to join this service to show your support for our BB and GB companies.
Date: Saturday, 30 March 2024
Time: 10am (Please be seated by 9.45am)
Venue: KKMC Sanctuary, L1
Attire: Ceremonial / Smart Casual
Lunch will be provided after the service.
For catering purposes, please register your attendance using the form below if you are coming.