Handling Stressful Relationships

Come join us at this talk and learn how to handle stressful relationships. Date: Saturday, 2 March 2024Time: 1.30pm to 4.45pmVenue: KKMC Seminar Room, Level 4 Speaker: Mr. Chiang Ming Cherng is a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church. Through his experiences as a...
Library Booth

Library Booth

Date: Sunday, 25 February 2024Time: After the 8am and 10am Worship ServicesVenue: KKMC Social Hall, L1 A selection of featured books and children’s books will be available for borrowing at the booth. Chat with our friendly librarians at the booth to: Get book...
Nehemiah 4 – Devotional

Nehemiah 4 – Devotional

Nehemiah faced a violent and planned opposition that sought to ridicule what he was doing and stop the building of the wall of Jerusalem. In response to such a confrontation, Nehemiah returned to the basics. He prayed to God to reaffirm the rationale for...
Nehemiah 3 – Devotional

Nehemiah 3 – Devotional

Various people helped in repairing the wall of Jerusalem. Some may have been familiar with construction work but others such as the goldsmith, the perfumer and the high priest were not. Some repaired the areas near their homes, others who were not living within the...
Chinese New Year Combined Worship Service (English and Chinese)

Chinese New Year Combined Worship Service (English and Chinese)

Join us for our Chinese New Year Worship service! It is a combined English and Chinese Worship service. Date: Sunday, 11 February 2024Time: 9.30am to 11amVenue: KKMC Sanctuary, L1 Livestream link: https://www.youtube.com/live/TlFp3nz5AMU?si=2jGVbO376a00E3EL ⚠️ Please...