19 May 2024 – Sermon Discussion Questions

19 May 2024 – Sermon Discussion Questions

Posted on 17 May 2024


(Discussion questions from Joshua 24: 15 and Matthew 12: 48 – 50)

For Personal Reflection or Group Discussion

  1. What is your role as a father or mother in your family? Share ways you and your family can serve God together? What kind of family do you plan to have if you are planning to marry? As a single, how do you plan to serve God?

  2. ⁠How can we do the will of the Father as a family or church or LifeGroup? How can we reach out to others with the love of God?

  3. What talents did God give me and how can I serve Him with my talents?

Commitment: List down 5 names to pray for, 3 to reach out to and 1 to bring to the Lord.


Preacher: Mrs Julie Alegesan
Series: Band Together as a Family
Topic: Serving God as a Family
Verse: Joshua 24: 15

The sermon will be livestreamed at the 10am English Service on Sunday, 19 May 2024.