11 August 2024 – Sermon Discussion Questions

11 August 2024 – Sermon Discussion Questions

Posted on 10 Aug 2024


For Personal Reflection or Group Discussion

  1. The parable of the Good Samaritan tells of 3 persons each presenting a attitude.
    The Priest – attitude of avoidance (Out of sight, out of mind)
    The Levite – attitude of apathy (Curious but uncaring)
    The Samaritan – attitude of kindness
    We can have all three of these attitudes in the same day.
    Consider in what situations, you demonstrate each of these attitudes.

  2. For a Christian, our neighbour is anybody we are brought into contact with. Can you identify your neighbours who have needs – (spiritual, emotional, physical, financial etc)

  3. How can you be a good neighbour to the persons you identified in question 2?


Preacher: Mr. Lyndon Gan
Series: Band Together in Holiness
Topic: The Call to Love your Neighbour
Verses: Luke 10: 25 – 37