Why Pray?
There are times when life seems too heavy to bear, and we may feel hopeless and alone. But prayer turns our focus to our God who is ready to listen and who is here with us. We would love to journey alongside you and pray with you, no matter what you’re facing.

Can We Pray For You?
Send us your prayer request by filling up a form below. Our prayer team will pray along with you. Please be assured that all prayer requests are kept confidential within the KKMC Prayer Team.

Church Prayer Time
Once a month, we gather on-site in church to unite our hearts in prayer – bringing prayers of praise, confessions, needs and thanksgiving for our world, our nation, our loved ones and ourselves before God.
Missions Prayer Meeting (Online)
Come and join our Missions Prayer Meeting, held online via Zoom on 2nd Fridays and 4th Mondays of the month. It’s a time to pray together for our missionaries and the communities they serve. Whether you’re new to missions or new to prayer meetings, you can lift up our missions work to God in prayer.

Be A Prayer Warrior
Want to stand in the gap to pray for the KKMC family and concerns of the church?