Nehemiah 1 – Devotional

Nehemiah 1 – Devotional

Posted on 23 Jan 2024

“How are the Jews who survived the exile and how is the city of Jerusalem?” Why did such a simple and basic, even common, question bring about so many changes to the life of Nehemiah?

Working in the King’s court meant Nehemiah was in a comfortable position.  He had a high social standing as one trusted with direct access to the King of Persia. Nehemiah had no financial lack and was living in relative luxury.

“Those who survived the exile are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken and its gates destroyed by fire.” This answer disturbed Nehemiah greatly. He cried and grieved for days. He fasted and pleaded before God.

Nehemiah was deeply affected because much as he was living a life of ease and comfort, Nehemiah had an interest in, and a concern for, the lives of others. He was thinking especially of his fellow Jews who had gone back to rebuild the city of Jerusalem, a thousand five hundred kilometers away.

Over the years, as Nehemiah’s life improved, he also grew as a channel for God’s care for the exiled people in Jerusalem.  His awareness began with a heart of concern and led him to ask a simple question about the lives of others. May our lives be enriched and others experience God’s care through our concern and enquiry after their well-being.

Is there a person or people whom I should have an interest and concern for at this time? Is there a simple question I could ask to become more aware of their situation?

Written by Mr. Ajit Hazra


For Personal Reflection or Group Discussion

  1. When was the last time you were so concerned for someone or something that moved you to tears? What do you think God is saying to you?

  2. What is the stage of your prayer life on a scale of 1 to 10? What are the challenges you face when you pray for someone? Does the example of prayer in the passage help you to pray?

  3. Why is commitment essential in our prayer to God? As the church embarks on the journey of banding together, what is one thing you can commit to, in order to strengthen the church?


Preacher: Rev Tay Kay Leong
Series: Band Together
Topic: Seeking God in Prayer as We Band Together
Verses: Nehemiah 1: 1 – 11

Read the other devotionals in our Nehemiah sermon series.