Easter is an important celebration for us as a church. Because Christ lived, we have a basis for our faith. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:17 “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” (NRSV).
Look for these books/DVDs in the church library. Reflect on God’s amazing power and grace this Easter.

1. Evidence for the Resurrection by Josh and Sean McDowell
When Jesus died on the cross, it seemed that all had been lost. Death had won. But after three days in a rich man’s tomb, Jesus appeared…alive! Josh and Sean McDowell present the facts
about the resurrection, examine the compelling evidence and conclude that Jesus Christ conquered death.

2. He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado
Linger on the hill of Calvary. Rub a finger on the timber and press the nail into your hand. Taste the tinge of cheap wine and feel the scrape of a thorn on your brow. Touch the velvet dirt, moist with the blood of God. Allow the tools of torture to tell their story. Listen as they tell you what God did to win your heart.

3. Listen to Him! The Last Words of Jesus From the Cross by Bobby EK Sng
The seven sayings of Jesus from the cross were not the despairing cries of a dying man; nor were they fortuitously recorded by the evangelists. The sayings reveal to us the innermost thoughts of Jesus as he was about to die and help us understand more fully the nature of the gospel. They were intended to touch our hearts and move us to act.

4. The Beauty of the Cross: Reflections for Lent from Isaiah 52 & 53 by Tim Chester
Delight in the beauty of Christ afresh this Easter. Some of the richest prophecies about the cross of Christ can be found in Isaiah chapters 52 and 53. Take time to go through these familiar yet extraordinary chapters in the run up to Easter with this Lent devotional. You will be thrilled and challenged as you see how Jesus matched every part of every prophecy, and brought glory to his name through his beautiful sacrifice on the cross.

5. Superbook: He Is Risen!: The Resurrection of Jesus (DVD)
Chris is arguing with his mom, Phoebe. Superbook intervenes and, in a very special episode, takes Chris, Joy, Gizmo and Phoebe back in time for an encounter with Jesus’ mother Mary during the time of her son’s crucifixion. When Superbook returns the family home, a wiser Chris apologizes for their argument, and their relationship is restored.
Make book reservations online or drop by our library on Sundays, 9.15am to 10am, at KKMC L2.
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