KKMC held our annual Hymn Festival on 28 August 2022, and the church came together to worship God through music. As Christians, worshipping God is one way for us to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)
Look for these 5 books from the church library to learn more about what worship should be and how we can worship God.

1. Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God by Bob Kauflin
Nothing is more essential than knowing how to worship the God who created us. This book focuses readers on the essentials of God-honouring worship, combining biblical foundations with practical application in a way that works in the real world.
The author, a pastor and noted songwriter covers a variety of topics such as the devastating effects of worshiping the wrong things, how to base our worship on God’s self-revelation rather than our assumptions, the fuel of worship, the community of worship, and the ways that eternity’s worship should affect our earthly worship.
This book brings a vital perspective to what readers think they understand about praising God.

2. Sing!: How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church by Keith and Kristyn Getty
Sing! has grown from Keith and Kristyn Getty’s passion for congregational singing; it’s been formed by their traveling and playing and listening and discussing and learning and teaching all over the world.
God intends for this compelling vision of His people singing—a people joyfully joining together in song with brothers and sisters around the world and around his heavenly throne—to include you. He wants you, he wants us, to sing.

3. Holy Roar: 7 Words That Will Change The Way You Worship by Chris Tomlin and Darren Whitehead
What does it mean to praise God? Chris Tomlin and Darren Whitehead share a fresh perspective from the worship practices of the ancient world. Grow in your understanding of praise as Darren offers unique insights.
Be inspired as Chris shares how those insights take shape in the stories behind some of your favorite worship songs, including “How Great Is Our God,” “We Fall Down,” and “Good Good Father.”

4. Worship: The Ultimate Priority by John MacArthur
Worship is so much more than what is sung or played in church on Sunday morning. John MacArthur takes you step by step in a discovery of who and how to worship.
From the existence of God and His attributes, to instruction on the right and wrong ways to worship God, this book makes it Biblically clear that worship is all about how we prioritize and live our daily lives to honor and glorify God. Make worship your ultimate priority!

5. God Songs: How to Write & Select Songs for Worship by Paul Baloche, Jimmy Owens and Carol Owens
This instructional book by songwriters Paul Baloche and Jimmy & Carol Owens covers basic songwriting principles like how to develop a song after inspiration comes, 30 characteristics that make a song memorable, 16 shared qualities of great worship songs and 12 keys to unlock writer’s block.
You will also learn how to gain the listener’s attention quickly, find fresh ways of expressing worship and choose just the right words. Song stories and advice from writers and publishers such as Darlene Zschech, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Bart Millard, Craig Dunnagan and Rita Baloche are also included.
Interested in reading one of these books on Worship? Reserve the book here or drop by our library on Sundays, 9.15am to 10am, at KKMC L2.
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