New year, new resolution to follow God more closely in 2023? The church library took a look back at the books added to our collection in 2022 and selected 5 books that we think may be helpful as you seek to follow God more closely in the New Year.

1. The Air We Breathe by Glen Scrivener
In this fascinating book, Glen Scrivener takes readers on a journey to discover how the teachings of Jesus continue to underpin the way we think of life, worth, and meaning. Far from being a relic from the past, the distinctive ideas of Christianity, such as freedom, kindness, progress and equality, are a crucial part of the air that we breathe.
This is a book for both believers and sceptics—giving Christians confidence to be open about their faith and showing non-Christians the ways in which the message of Jesus makes sense of their most cherished beliefs.

2. Who Am I and Why Do I Matter? by Chris Morphew
In this warm, empathetic book, Chris Morphew shows children how to embrace and enjoy their identity as those loved by God and made in his image. He also gives lots of practical advice on how to remember what God says about who they really are. Lively stories and illustrations make this book easy for 9-13s to engage with. Readers will be helped to replace fear and anxiety with faith and confidence as they find their self-worth in what God says about them.
This book is part of the Big Questions series of books (the other books in the series are also available for borrowing in the church library).

3. On Death by Timothy Keller
In a culture that does its best to deny death, Timothy Keller–theologian and bestselling author–teaches us about facing death with the resources of faith from the Bible. With wisdom and compassion, Keller finds in the Bible an alternative to both despair or denial.
(The other books in this series “On Birth”, “On Marriage” are also available for borrowing in the church library)

4. Old Made New by Greg Lanier
Many Bible readers have difficulty understanding the Old Testament’s connection to the New Testament, and some even believe it’s obsolete in light of God’s new covenant. In reality, New Testament writers alluded to earlier books of the Bible roughly 300–400 times. The Old Testament isn’t outdated; it’s critical to understanding the rest of Scripture.
In Old Made New, Greg Lanier explains how New Testament authors used the Old Testament to communicate the gospel and present the person and work of Jesus. He also explains what the Old Testament teaches Christians today about the church’s identity and ethics.

5. Refreshed: Devotions For Your Time Away by John Hindley
Vacations often give us an opportunity to rest and reflect. However, when our normal routines and habits are suspended, it can be hard to spend time with God.
These 30 devotions have been specifically designed to help you to rest in the Lord’s goodness and glory during your time away so that you can return home feeling refreshed spiritually as well as physically.
Make book reservations online or drop by our library on Sundays, 9.15am to 10am, at KKMC L2.
What books do KKMC librarians recommend? What are members of our community reading? Find out at From the Librarian’s Shelf, brought to you by the KKMC Library Ministry.