This year, as our church focussed on the theme of Being a Bold Witness, the pastors preached a sermon series about the Acts of the Apostles and the lessons we all can learn about being bold witnesses.
Look for these 5 books/DVD from the church library to continue learning more about the book of Acts and the amazing power of the Holy Spirit who enables us to be bold witnesses.

1. Acts For Everyone (Part 1 and Part 2) by NT Wright
Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, NT Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke’s Gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of the now risen and ascended Jesus in the power of the Spirit. He captures the vivid way in which Luke’s work draws us all into the story, while leaving the ending open and challenging, inviting Christians today to pick up and carry on the story as we in turn live our lives in the service of Jesus.
Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion with background information, useful explanations and suggestions, and thoughts as to how the text can be relevant to our lives today.

2. Life Lessons from Acts by Max Lucado
As you read the book of Acts, you may wonder: are these the same disciples I read about in the gospels? The ones who doubted in Galilee and ran for their lives in Gethsemane? The answer is: no. They are different. The Spirit dwells within them. And what God did for them, he longs to do for you.
Join author Max Lucado as he walks the roads of Acts – the amazing account of God’s active Spirit among his servants and Christ’s Church spreading to the world.

3. The Message of Acts by John Stott
The Book of Acts, John Stott believes, is important not only for its vivid historical record. It is also vital for the inspiration which it brings to us now. Today’s church can seek to recapture something of the early confidence, enthusiasm, vision and power of the church of the first century. Despite all its imperfections and troubles, the young church clearly had been overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit, who thrust it out to witness. As John Stott concludes: ‘The Acts of the Apostles have long ago finished: the acts of the followers of Jesus will continue until the end of the world.’

4. Paul: A Man of Grace and Grit by Charles R Swindoll
The apostle Paul was, in his own words, “the chief of all sinners.” Yet, this colossal figure left an indelible signature of greatness. Tough, tenacious, and fiercely determined, Paul pursued his divine mission with unflinching resolve, and God used him mightily to turn the world upside down for Christ in his generation. Perhaps that’s why Paul’s life is such a source of hope for us. If the chief of sinners can be forgiven and become God’s chosen vessel, can He not forgive and use us as well?

5. Buck Denver Asks … What’s in the Bible? Volume 11: Spreading The Good News! (Acts) (DVD)
Buck Denver and his friends take your children through the WHOLE Bible. Volume 11: Spreading the Good News! will send your family on a journey through the book of Acts – starting with Pentecost, following Jesus’ disciples as they spread the Good News through the world, and watching the conversion and ministry of Saul.
Make book reservations online or drop by our library on Sundays, 9.15am to 10am, at KKMC L2.
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