By exploring the lives of faithful Christian women, this series shows children that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

1. Amy Carmichael: The Brown-Eyed Girl Who Learned to Pray
At a time when being a single female missionary was extremely costly, Amy Carmichael spent her life sharing Christ’s love with hundreds of women and children in Asia.
Along the way, she adapted to fit into cultures very different from her own, learned to depend on God in prayer, and became a mother to many children who had been sold, kidnapped, outcast, or abandoned.

2. Corrie Ten Boom: The Courageous Woman and The Secret Room
In 1940, the Germans invaded the Netherlands, and Corrie ten Boom and her family helped to hide as many Jewish people as possible. They even had a secret room built in her bedroom. Corrie and her sister were caught by the German army and sent to a concentration camp.
Corrie’s trust in God gave her the strength to go on until the war ended. From then on, Corrie talked about her life to big crowds, saying, “There’s no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.”

3. Fanny Crosby: The Girl Who Couldn’t See But Helped The World To Sing
Frances, or Fanny, as everyone called her, was blind for most of her life but rejoiced that the first thing her eyes would see would be “the face of Jesus in heaven”.
Fanny used her extraordinary musical ability to write hymns we still sing today, such as “To God Be the Glory” and “Blessed Assurance”.

4. Helen Roseveare: The Doctor Who Kept Going No Matter What
On the day of her eighth birthday, Helen sat in Sunday school cutting and sticking pictures of faraway countries and, in her heart, made a decision: “When I grow up, I will travel the world and tell other boys and girls about Jesus”.
Follow her life story from medical student to missionary doctor in the heart of Africa. You’ll learn all about the ups and downs she experienced, including being held as a prisoner for many months, and you’ll discover how her faith kept her going.

5. Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman With a Big Dream
After some initial setbacks, Gladys was given an opportunity to go to China. But the setbacks didn’t end there! Having worked day and night to earn enough money to travel to China, her train only got as far as Siberia. Gladys then had to sneak onto a ship, take another boat, another train, a bus, and lastly a donkey!
When she eventually arrived in China, the villagers were deeply suspicious and threw mud at her! But, with time, Gladys earned the trust of those around her and told them all about Jesus.
Make your book reservations online or drop by our library on Sundays, 9.15am to 10am, at KKMC L2.
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