DISCIPLE 1 Course Registration
Dates: Sundays, 1pm to 3.30pm. The DISCIPLE 1 class will start on 15 September 2024 (total of 34 sessions with breaks in-between).
Venue: KKMC Seminar Room, L4
Class Facilitators: Kimberly Chia and Serena Ang
Cost of Materials: $30 (Payment information will be sent to you upon confirmation of your registration)
Note: Participation is on a first come first served basis. Class size is 10 to 14 persons.
Closing date for D1 course registration: 1 September 2024
Calling all KKMC members and friends who desire to know and study the Bible more deeply and systematically – you are invited to give DISCIPLE 1 Bible Study a try! You will cover about 80% of the Bible through personal and disciplined daily reading. There is also time for group interaction and discussion each week. This approach makes studying the Bible much more interesting and insightful! If you would like to submit yourself to be examined by God’s Word and be transformed in the process of studying the Bible, then DISCIPLE 1 Bible Study is for you.
Hi, I’m Allison and I was part of the Disciple 1 class that just graduated in May 2024.
At the start of last year, I felt that my relationship with God was stagnant and that I wasn’t really growing anymore. I also felt like a lousy Christian as my Bible knowledge was very poor and I didn’t have the habit of doing daily quiet time. I wanted to get closer to God, but it was really quite a struggle.
When the opportunity to join D1 came up, I was rather excited as I felt that D1 would provide me with the structure and motivation to study the Bible. Indeed, D1 has helped me cultivate the habit of reading my Bible and spending time praying daily. But more than it just being a habit, I have found the joy of studying God’s word! Reading the Bible no longer feels like a chore, and I instead look forward to learning more and more every day. Although the Bible seems like just a really old history book, studying God’s word has made me realise that it is not just old text but living words still applicable in our current context! I’m reminded that we can always turn to the Bible whenever we need guidance or encouragement.
Through D1, I was also reminded that we’re not alone in our walk with Christ. Sometimes, working on our relationship with God alone is tough but doing so with others is much easier! And I’m so thankful that God has blessed me with this community of 7 amazing individuals to journey with. Everyone shares different perspectives, making discussions very fruitful and enriching. Having a community also allows us to encourage each other by keeping one another in constant prayer.
All in all, I’m very thankful for how God has worked in me through D1, and I hope that whether through future runs of D1 or through other means, God touches each one of your lives too! Just remember that we may not be the best Christian, but we can always be a better one! Thank you and God bless!

Disciple 1
Class of 23/24
For more information, please contact the Church Office.