Come As You Are is a prayer and praise service for the Young Adults Ministry. The first session was held on 4 December 2021.
Come As You Are (CAYA) saw young adults from KKMC’s Young Adults Ministry and guests from other churches come together for a time of silent worship, reflection and prayer. In view of the challenges faced by Young Adults, the theme of the session was Rest in God. CAYA aimed to encourage Young Adults to find rest in God when encountering difficulties, such as the tiredness and monotony brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, entering the working world, and starting tertiary education.
The worship team led the congregation through an inspirational set focused on remembering God’s presence and power. The songs reminded participants that true rest lies in His embrace. Nicole Goh and Wen Dezhi shared their experiences with work, exhaustion, meaning, and finding rest. One could see their testimonies resonating with all present as they spoke.
Dezhi, 34, shared about diving straight back into a work project right after his studies in the US. The situation was made worse by health crises from family members that increased his fatigue and made him question what life was all about. He remains hopeful though that God can use his life’s circumstances for good.
“Will God be able use my work, my stress and my pain and turn it into something beautiful? I hope so. Until that day, I will continue to find little victories and bright spots to be thankful for.”
Nicole, 24, said, “I’ve realised that the only way we can get that true rest that we are all searching for is with God and nothing else. When we’re exhausted from life, all we have to do is to stop, let go of everything that makes us anxious, let go of all the worry we have over our future, let go of the uncertainties of situations that we have no control over and simply sit with God for a bit and find rest in him.”
“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11 : 28-30
We thank God for this wonderful opportunity to come together to rest in God’s presence and are extremely grateful for the growth and providence He has provided us for this budding Young Adults Ministry. To more YA events such as this! Glory to God, Amen!