Questions (Discussion questions from Joshua 24: 15 and Matthew 12: 48 – 50) For Personal Reflection or Group Discussion What is your role as a father or mother in your family? Share ways you and your family can serve God together? What kind of family do you plan...
Timothy J. Keller was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, co-founder of The Gospel Coalition and the author of many wonderful Christian books. In part 2 of this series, the church librarians selected 5 more books written by Timothy...
All good things come to an end or so the saying goes, but do they? What began as a revival movement within the Church of England, today, amidst uncertain times of climate change, war and flux, we cannot know for certain the future of Methodism. In this year’s...
After completing the building of the wall, despite many challenges within and opposition from without, Nehemiah and the people were ready for a day of dedication and celebration. After decades of neglect, the rebuilding of the wall was completed in only 52 days! They...
The temple at Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians. When the Persians became the new rulers, they allowed the Jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. The rebuilding was completed some 50 years before Nehemiah went to Jerusalem to repair the city wall. The wall...
When the people heard and understood the teachings of the Law of Moses, they also realized they were not observing it in their lives. In response, they developed a written covenant (or, an agreement) which stipulated specifically how they would follow the Law of...