Easter is an important celebration for us as a church. Because Christ lived, we have a basis for our faith. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:17 “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” (NRSV). Look for these books/DVDs in...
Kampong Kapor Women’s Society for Christian Service (WSCS) organised a guided silent retreat on 27 to 28 December 2022. The theme was “Behold, the Presence of God!”. In this article, we share reflections gleaned from our quiet time with the Lord and with each other....
New year, new resolution to follow God more closely in 2023? The church library took a look back at the books added to our collection in 2022 and selected 5 books that we think may be helpful as you seek to follow God more closely in the New Year. 1. The Air We...
This year, as our church focussed on the theme of Being a Bold Witness, the pastors preached a sermon series about the Acts of the Apostles and the lessons we all can learn about being bold witnesses. Look for these 5 books/DVD from the church library to continue...
Christmas is when we are reminded of how Jesus left his Father and came to earth to become fully human like us. KKMC Library invites you to read these books to learn more about Jesus and about Christmas as we celebrate His birth. 1. Boundless Love: Why God Became a...