From the Librarian’s Shelf: Five books in the church library about Evangelism

From the Librarian’s Shelf: Five books in the church library about Evangelism

Posted on 24 Nov 2023

As Christians and as a church, we have been called to share the good news of Jesus Christ. For many, this is probably not something that comes automatically or easily. The church library has shortlisted the following 5 books that we hope will help you think through what is needed to share the Gospel:

1. Conversational Evangelism by Norman Geisler and David Geisler

Witnessing used to involve laying out the truth and guiding a person to understand and accept it. But the awareness of basic Christian principles has changed and so have the needs of pre-believers. With a passion for people, authors David and Norman Geisler share an engaging, conversational approach to evangelism. This refreshing, practical resource is ideal for churches and individuals. Readers will discover how God uses their everyday encounters for great things when they switch from trying to witness effectively to effectively being a witness through communication and compassion.

2. Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever

Evangelism is not only largely misunderstood, it is often all but neglected among Christians today. Many want to share the gospel with others, but feel intimidated and incapable of doing so. Yet God has given us answers in the Bible that instruct and equip us to share the good news with others. This book draws from New Testament truths and Dever’s personal experience in sharing the gospel in order to help believers apply those truths in practical ways. As readers understand the biblical foundations of evangelism, they will begin to develop a habit of evangelism in their lives and local churches.

3. Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus by J. Mack Stiles

Evangelism is more than a program. Instead picture a church where evangelism is just part of the culture. Leaders share their faith consistently and openly. Members follow, encouraging one another to make evangelism an ongoing way of life. Such is the way of evangelism presented by this brief and compelling book. No program here. Instead, it just might give your church a new way to live and share the gospel together.

4. Surprise the World: The Five Habits of Highly Missional People by Michael Frost

Christianity is a surprising religion. It has changed the world in remarkable ways throughout history simply through Christians living out their faith. More recently, we’ve become afraid of a habituated Christianity, thinking that routines will rob our faith of its vitality. The net effect is that we’ve replaced the habits that surprise the world with habits that mimic the world―and both we and the world suffer for it. Integrating the five habits in the BELLS model―Bless others, Eat together, Listen to the Spirit, Learn Christ, and understand yourself as Sent by God into others’ lives―will help you spread the gospel organically, graciously, and surprisingly.

5. Sharing the Truth in Love: How to Relate to People of Other Faiths by Ajith Fernando

As Christians, we have been called by Christ to serve Him in a multi-faith world. But how can we effectively relate to and share the gospel with people of other faiths? This outstanding cross-cultural guide to evangelism in the twenty-first century directs Christians to respond sensitively and wisely to the cultures and beliefs of non-Christians of any nation. Christians, with the love of Christ, must oppose deception with the truth of God’s Word. This thought-provoking and inspiring book will convince readers of the distinctiveness of the Christian faith and spur them to be effective witnesses for Christ in the world today.

Make your book reservations online or drop by our library on Sundays, 9.15am to 10am, at KKMC L2.

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