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Hymn Fest 2024

Hymn Fest 2024

Posted on 19 Jul 2024

About Hymn Fest

KKMC’s Hymn Festival takes place every year where our usual 8am and 10am Sunday services are dedicated to singing hymns to praise and worship God, as well as to share God’s story through music. Hymn singing is a beautiful practice that unites us all. These hymns carry stories and testimonies of faith and encounters with God.

This special service features our choir and musicians as well as our pipe organ that stands in the sanctuary. Installed in 1937, it is the only pipe organ left in Singapore Methodist churches today.

Hymn Fest 2024 – A Sacrifice of Praise

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

– Hebrews 13: 15-16

This year’s hymn festival focuses on Hebrews 13: 15-16 in two parts. Firstly, we discover the many names of God and know more about Him and secondly, may the Holy Spirit remind us of God’s grand story, encouraging us to persevere and play our part in God’s work in creation.

Date: Sunday, 25 August 2024
Time: 8am (on-site) and 10am (on-site and livestream)
Venue: KKMC Sanctuary, L1

Do join us for this Hymn Fest and praise God alongside with us. And invite your friends along too!