After more than 14 years of service at KKMC, Reverend Gabriel Liew bids us farewell.
Reverend Gabriel Liew leaves KKMC to serve at the Methodist Church of the Incarnation (MCI) as one of its pastors, from 1 August 2020. KKMC bids him a fond farewell after more than 14 years of service. We share with you some photographs of Pastor Gabriel at work over the years.
Below are his parting words to KKMC.
“Dearly Beloved,
Laura and I have been privileged to have served in this great community of faith for 14 years and 7 months. KKMC will always have a special place in our hearts. We will bring with us many beautiful memories, stories and experiences. We are very grateful for your support and friendship all these years. You have inspired us. I know you will extend this love and care also to the next pastor, Reverend Anthony Phua, who will bring his gifts and graces to enrich all of you.
It is an emotional experience to bid farewell to a faith community which I have come to love, and church members with whom I have established strong relationships with. According to Father Henri Nouwen, our fellowship with one another on this side of eternity is short and thus every encounter is precious and sacred. Therefore we need to treasure every moment of it.
Though I am no longer your pastor, we will always be friends in Christ.
At the same time, I look forward to learning and contributing to God’s people in the Methodist Church of Incarnation because this is God’s calling for me at this time.
Our future is as bright as the promises of God. However each one of us must do our part. Let us live a grace-filled life, love fearlessly, serve God wholeheartedly and work together in the unity of the Spirit to realise God’s dream for KKMC.
May God richly bless you and yours!
Gabriel and Laura Liew”